Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lyida & Family

If ever there was a little sister who loved her big brothers Miss Lydia is she. She would smile everytime they came running past!
Thank you so much Jodi and Luke, you have a beautiful family!  

5-14-12 lydia 6mths 010_edited-15-14-12 lydia 6mths 074_edited-15-14-12 lydia 6mths 202

5-14-12 lydia 6mths 142

Friday, May 4, 2012

Sweet Little miss Maggie

5-2-2012 Maggie Waite 9month 080_edited-3

Sweet little Maggie!!!

She was quite the little wiggler but so sweet, her eyes and her smile just melt your heart. Her and her family are a blessing to know and be around!!

Thanks Jen and Matt for letting me photograph your little peanut, enjoy!